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  • Art Works Downtown, 1337 4th Street, Studio #19, San Rafael, CA 94901, USA
  • 19

Studio Information

Building Name

Art Works Downtown

Studio Or Unit Number


Special Location Or Visiting Instructions

Lara’s Lab is located in the cool and funky Underground Level of Art Works Downtown (AWD). AWD anchors one of California’s 14 Cultural Arts Districts, making it a rich place to begin your tour of studios in San Rafael.

COVID Precautions

About The Artist

Artist Statement

Lara’s Lab is both a physical space (my studio) and a conceptual entity. All of my work relies on direct or indirect contribution from others, whether it be through the sharing of personal stories or objects that shape the content, or through the wealth of information gathered during extensive research about the project’s topic.


Women have shared their experiences with sexual harassment and discrimination and I’ve made necklaces with the text. I have collected drawings of and stories about childhood homes and made an installation of tiny drawings suspended off wooden blocks with audio of the stories playing. People have collected and given me non-recyclable plastic packaging and I’ve made castings of them for a faux archaeological dig. My current project is a massive (150+ foot wide) embroidery installation that illustrates the daily California COVID-19 death numbers in a way that I hope communicates the statistics in an unusual way that is more impactful and easier to understand than the usual bar or line graph.


I work under the name, Lara’s Lab, to acknowledge and include all the people who generously offer their narratives and insights, as well as the people behind the information I find in my research online.


Lara Myers grew up all over the U.S. (she lived in 12 states by the time she started college) and chose Marin County and San Francisco as her home base in the mid-nineties. After trying out mini-careers in marketing, product development and trial litigation, she discovered that documentary installation art is the perfect fit for her conceptual creative communication skillset. Her work has won awards and has been the topic of two feature Lifestyles articles in the Marin Independent Journal. She was the 2016-2017 Max Thelen Studio Residency artist at Art Works Downtown in San Rafael, California, which is where her studio, Lara’s Lab, is located.


Art Medium(s)

Mixed Media, Fiber

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